Sunday, August 27, 2006

Day 1
This is really day 30 of my planning, but the first day of writing about it. I am 27 years old, living in San Diego, CA, and packing all of my belongings into 2 suitcases to move to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Here are my trials and tribulations...


Anonymous said...

this is the first time I've entered a "blog site"....very interesting........

Anonymous said...

Some of the greatest stresses in one’s life are:
Loss of home,
Loss of job,
Loss of possessions.
You’ve endured them all with grace.
But some of the greatest gifts in one’s life are:
The adventure of visiting places in the world one would normally not be able to visit,
The love of a true friend who is waiting for you,
Knowing your friends and family are supportive of what you do and will be around to catch you if you stumble.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting. I stumbled across this accidently and plan to follow your travels. Good luck!