Monday, March 26, 2007


My birthday was in February and my dearest friend from the US mailed a package to Buenos Aires for me. It never arrived. She inquired about it the day I left Argentina and I was so sad to tell her that it never got to our house. Maybe it just got lost in the mail. Maybe it was delayed for whatever reason and will be redirected to her. Maybe someone is walking around Argentina with an SIUC T-shirt. Who knows.


Anonymous said...

your friend lied, she never sent the package, ha!

Erin said...

That is NOT true, Maura!!

Anonymous said...

I love reading all those interesting snippets about culture and life in Argentina! Hope you'll keep blogging even though you're back in north america..

Anonymous said...

Hey, You're back.
How about catching up with old friends at SDG&E. We love to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

I like packages.

my blog said...

nice post .